History of ICGH

The Ninth International Gas Hydrate Conference, ICGH9, is part of a series of conferences held every three years since 1993.

  • 1993 • New Paltz, NY, USA
  • 1996 • Toulouse, France
  • 1999 • Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
  • 2002 • Yokohama, Japan
  • 2005 • Trondheim, Norway
  • 2008 • Vancouver, Canada
  • 2011 • Edinburgh, UK
  • 2014 • Beijing, China
  • 2017 • Denver, CO, USA

Beginning with only about 64 attendees, the conference has grown to an attendance of almost 800.

ICGH9 in 2017

The conference aims to bring together the entire Gas Hydrates community, to review developments over the previous three years, and to attempt to extrapolate for the near-term future. We anticipate presentations in every variety of topic regarding hydrates including, but not limited to fundamental physical properties, applied flow assurance, energy recovery from natural hydrates, and climate change.

This is a truly diverse community, including academic researchers, industrial scientists and engineers, government scientists and policy makers. All are welcome to this community, ranging from those just beginning to those with substantial expertise.

This will be an exciting conference that will provide the opportunity for participants to be able to meet others in the same or different hydrate areas, and exchange ideas, expertise and experience, and renew and form new friendships and working relations. The conference is structured so that participants can learn from both formal and informal interactions, such as presented papers, posters and social events.


Local Organizing Committee

Carolyn KohChair, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Dendy SloanCo-chair, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Tim CollettCo-chair, United States Geological Survey, USA

International Scientific Committee

Ray BoswellNational Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), USA
Peter EnglezosUniversity British Columbia, Canada
Jean-Michel HerriEcole Natl. Superieure des Mines de St-Etienne, France
Sung-Rock LeeKorea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resoources (KIGAM), Korea
Xiaoyun LiStatoil, Norway
Ryo MatsumotoMeiji University, Japan
Thierry PalermoTotal, France
Judith SchicksGFZ, Potsdam, Germany
Bahman TohidiHeriot-Watt University, UK
Klaus WallmannGeomar, Germany
Nengyou WuQingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China Geological Survey, China