The 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates will be held at the Denver Marriott City Center in Denver, Colorado USA.
Denver Marriott City Center
1701 California Street
Denver CO 80202-3402
Rooms in the hotel are available at special rates for attendees of ICGH9. See the Lodging section of this website for more information and for a link to the special hotel registration website. Learn more...

Click/tap for a map showing the event's location.
Denver-Area Events and Attractions
If you're looking for something fun to do before, during, or after the Conference, visit the On Your Own page of this website. The Lodging page also has links to more information about places and events in Denver.
Denver has...
- 300 days of sunshine/year
- 90 golf courses
- 300 restaurants in walking distance
- 7 professional sports teams
- Nearby Mountain Resorts
- Vail (2.5 hours by car)
- Glenwood Springs (3 hours by car)
- Aspen (4 hours by car)