We cordially invite you to invest in the 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH9) to be held in Denver, Colorado, USA on June 25-30, 2017.
This conference offers your company or organization a great opportunity to enhance its image by supporting the goals of ICGH for the international participants and local community. Each contribution will be prominently and appropriately acknowledged.
Investment/Advertising Overview
A wide range of investment/advertising options are available in support of the Conference technical program, the Conference infrastructure, and individual components of the social program. The organizers welcome any other investment/advertising proposals.
Payments and Application Deadline
All prices are quoted in US Dollars. All payments are expected in US Dollars.
Shared Sponsorships
The "Presenting Sponsor" and "Welcome Reception" sponsorships can be shared by multiple contributors, thus enabling participating sponsors to achieve visibility through their support of a portion of the funding required for each specific item. Please indicate whether sole sponsorship of any item is preferred. We will do our best to accommodate your preference. In the case of an item being sponsored by multiple contributors, each contributor will have their company's name posted on the web site, general acknowledgement in the final program and recognition signage for social function support. In the case of sole sponsorship only, the sole sponsor shall be additionally entitled to the noted (*) inclusions.
Additional Information
For additional information or questions about sponsorships for ICGH9, please send an email to icgh9@csmspace.com.
Establishing a Sponsorship
To establish a sponsorship, please visit the website at the following address: http://sponsor.csmspace.com
Sponsorship Levels
Presenting Sponsor
- Amount: $25,000 (or multiple contributions at lesser amounts)
- Recognition signage highlighting sponsorship of the function (name/logo)
- Acknowledgement in the Final Program and immediate posting on the web site
- Verbal recognition during the event
- Company Logo projected visually during the event
- *Advertisement in the program (inside front cover - sole sponsorship only)
Welcome Reception
- Amount: $15,000 (or multiple contributions at lesser amounts)
- Recognition signage highlighting sponsorship of the function (name/logo)
- Acknowledgement in the Final Program and immediate posting on the web site
- Signage recognition as a Sponsor of the Welcome Reception
- *Full page advertisement in the program
Local Excursion and Lunch (Wednesday)
- Amount: $10,000
- Sponsorship recognition of this event on all signage and hardcopy materials where applicable
- Signage highlighting your company's sole sponsorship of the lunch break (name/logo)
- Acknowledgement in the Final Program and on the web site
Single Lunch (4 available)
- Amount: $5,000 per lunch
- Signage highlighting your company's sole sponsorship of the lunch break (name/logo)
- Acknowledgement in the Final Program and on the web site
- Tent card signage at food stations highlighting your sponsorship support
Conference Delegate Bag and Notepad
- Amount: $5,000
- Logo on the Delegate Bag identifying your company as sole Sponsor
- Acknowledgement in the Final Program and on the web site
- Sponsor supplied Notepad and Pen will be included in each Delegate Bag
- Half page advertisement in the program
Final Program Printing
- Amount: $5,000
- Feature recognition of your company as sponsor of the Final Program
- Acknowledgement in the Final Program and immediate posting on the web site
- *Half page advertisement in the program
Final Technical Paper Digital Flash Drive
Sponsored by:

- Amount: $5,000
- Feature recognition of your company as sponsor of the Final Program
- Acknowledgement in the Final Program and immediate posting on the web site
- *Half page advertisement in the program
- *Name and logo on digital flash drives
Scientific Program Session
- Amount: $4,000 (single session); $2,000 (parallel session)
- Signage confirming your sponsorship of the individual session
- "This session sponsored by…" highlighted in signage at the entrance to the meeting room
- Acknowledgement in the Final Program and on the web site
- *Half page advertisement in the program
Delegate Badge Lanyard
Sponsored by:

- Amount: $3,000
- Participants are required to wear their name badge to all social events and lectures within the framework of the congress. Your Company's name and logo will be printed on the badge string holding the lanyard.
- Acknowledgement in the Final Program and on the web site
Coffee Break (multiple available)
- Amount: $2,000 per single coffee break
- Signage highlighting your company's sole sponsorship of the coffee break (name/logo)
- Acknowledgement in the Final Program and on the web site
- Tent card signage at coffee stations highlighting your sponsorship support
Advertising in Final Program (multiple available)
- Prominent full page interior $1,000
- Prominent half page interior $750